EQ2 Graphics :: Custom EverQuest II Graphics by Seagoat
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Get the Code

The code for this webring is very simple! It requires a url that contains two values: a "siteid" and an "action." (Examples below.)

You must be an active member of the webring in order for this code to work properly for your site. This code requires that you have been assigned a unique site ID for your webring member website. Don't have a site ID? Request membership here!

If you've already been approved but your site ID is generating an error, remember that I must manually activate your website in the site listing. Please notify me that the webring code is in place on your site so that you can become an active webring member!
Here is a list of the valid actions and their results:

  • home
    • Takes you to the webring home page.

  • next
    • Takes you to the next site in relation to your website's position in the site listing.

  • previous
    • Takes you to the previous site in relation to your website's position in the site listing.

  • random
    • Takes you to a randomly selected site in the site listing.
The Base URL

All webring links MUST begin with this code:

The "siteid"

The next portion of the URL contains your individual site ID. (I'm using "123" here as an example; you should replace it with your own site ID.) This portion is used to determine where your website falls in the site listing. This value is used to calculate the next and previous sites in the list in relation to your site. It MUST begin with a question mark ("?"):

The "action"

The next portion of the URL contains your desired action. (I'm using "next" here as an example.) This portion tells the webring script which website should be shown next. It MUST begin with an ampersand ("&"):

Put It All Together...

When it's all strung together, your example URL should look like this:


You can create links with these URLs to wrap around text or images. This is an example of a text link:

<a href="http://eq2.lunaclick.net/webring/webring.php?siteid=123&action=next">Next
The result will look like this: Next Site

And here's an example of a linked image:

<a href="http://eq2.lunaclick.net/webring/webring.php?siteid=123&action=next"><img
src="/images/myimage.jpg" width="10" height="10" border="0" alt="Next" /></a>
Take a look at the bottom of this page to see how a series of linked images will work as a webring navigation bar.

You're encouraged to make your own webring graphics to use with the code. The graphics can follow any theme you wish; you're only limited by your own creativity!
If you need additional code or graphics help in setting up your webring, please drop me a line! I'm happy to help where I can. :)
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