EQ2 Graphics :: Custom EverQuest II Graphics by Seagoat
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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you charge anything for your graphics?

Typically, my graphics are totally and entirely FREE. I simply enjoy combining two of my passions: EverQuest II and Paint Shop Pro. I do not usually ask for any in-game or real compensation other than the chance to make the best graphic I possibly can for my fellow players.

If you'd like to send me a few dollars or some in-game coin, please check out my donation page.
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How will my graphic be different from everybody else's?

Your character is unique, so your graphic also deserves to be. By providing as much information as possible and sending me a selection of screenshots, you can be assured of a quality graphic that is one-of-a-kind.

I have right at 1,000 fonts in my collection (including the EverQuest II racial fonts) as well as a huge image library at my disposal, so you can be sure that your graphic will be singular in its design.

For examples of the types of graphics I've made in the past, please browse the galleries using the menu on the left.
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Can I include my character's level on my sig?

In my request form, you will note that there's no specified place for your level to be included. As a general rule, I don't like including a character's level in a graphic because that's the one thing about that character that's most likely to change.

If you really, really want your character's level included, I'll put it in there, but please keep in mind:
  1. Leaving it out will make room for other stuff (on a sig, every little bit helps).
  2. By not restricting your sig to a certain level in your character's life, it will ensure that you can continue to use your sig for a long time to come!
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Do I have to send you screenshots?

No, but they certainly help make a graphic your own. Even if you just send me one screenshot, it will go a long way to making your graphic truly belong to your character.
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I requested a graphic from someone else, too. Is that OK?

If the other artist knows that you've requested a graphic from me also, and they don't have a problem with continuing to fulfill your request, then yes, it's OK with me too.

If they're not OK with it, then I'm not either. I will respect another artist's wishes and not duplicate a request that's been placed with them already. Some artists have no problem with this sort of thing, but some do, so please ask if it's OK with all of the artists involved before expecting graphics from two or more artists for the same character.

Here's the reasoning behind all this:

It's not that signature/graphic artists don't want people to have some variety -- that's not the case at all! It's that we don't want to feel as though our hard work has been trivialized because somebody decided to be greedy and ask ALL the artists to make them a sig.

For example: A player asked at least 3 artists to make his character a sig, but he did so via private email/PM so that none of them knew about his multiple requests until the finished graphics were posted in the artists' individual forum threads. Being one of those artists, I found it a bit humorous at first, but then I felt like my generosity had been taken advantage of. It's not a case of "having your cake and eating it too," it's a case of helping yourself to a slice of every confection in the bakery!

If you want variety, very politely ask ONE artist for variations. Some (like me, who aren't typically bogged down with requests) might be quite happy to give a challenge like that a go, but many of the more popular artists would probably say no to something like that simply because they don't have the time, with all their other requests, to make 2 or more signatures for everybody who asks.

You could also be up front and let the several artists you're requesting graphics from know that you're asking others for graphics as well, and your reason for it. The worst that will happen is that they'll tell you, "No, I'm sorry, I can't make a sig for you."

When someone tells me that they've asked another artist for a graphic as well, the first thing I ask is, "Are you still on their waiting list, or will you be canceling your request with them, or is it ok with them that you're requesting multiple graphics for the same character?" If the answer to any of those questions is no, then chances are I will not be fulfilling their request. It's nothing personal; I'm doing it out of respect for that other artist's time and effort.

I think the main issue here is this: Most folks just don't know that it's typically not cool to ask everybody who's offering to make graphics to make you a graphic -- for the same character, at the same time. The artists are respecting each other's hard work, and in turn, we're asking our "customers" to do the same.

I mean, most of us are doing this for free (when we could be out adventuring!). Is it really too much to ask? :)

Just gather your courage and choose ONE artist you really like. It's a decision that the artists themselves ask that you make...so if you want to make the artist happy and get an awesome signature graphic, kindly abide by their requests.
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I have a question that's not answered here.

All you have to do is ask! ;)
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